Start Italiana magnetostrictive level probes
Start Italiana magnetostrictive level probes (wired and wireless level probes) are intended for continious measurement of petroleum products levels (fuel and LPG), produced water level and temperature in tanks at petrol stations, tank farms and refineries. Probes are supplied with length up to 15 m in wired and wireless executions. Also, flexible version of the probes for high tanks is available.
Probe modifications #
Operation principle #
The magnetostrictive level transmitters are based on the principle named Wiedemann effect and enable continuous and highly accurate reading of liquid’s level. The XMT-SI level transmitter consists of a microprocessor based electronic circuit placed inside one aluminium case head and a stainless steel shaft containing a wave guide placed inside the tank.
An high frequence electric impulse is transmitted through the electronic device. In the matching point with the magnetic field generated by the permanent magnet placed inside the float, a mechanic impulse is generated thanks to the magnetostrictive torsional strain. The mechanic impulse spreads through the wave guide to the speed of sound up to the sensor placed in the measuring head. The timing between the transmission of the going impulse and the return impulse exactly defines the position of the floats.
Application #
XMT-SI family are high precision measure instrumentation which are suitable to measure product level, water level and temperature in various type of underground and above ground tank, also placed in hazardous areas.
The XMT-SI family is intrinsically safe certified for 0 Zone and through an intrinsically safety barrier can be connected to console or PC positioned in a safety zone for having a complete control of the tank.
The following models are available:
XMT-SI-485 transmits data on the 485 bus. It can be configured for polling mode or push mode functioning based on the needing. It is externally powered by the communication bus.
XMT-SI-RF transmits data using a radiofrequency transmission with variable frequency depending on the level changes inside the tank. It is powered by a lithium battery positioned inside the probe and certified also for intrinsically safety. In order to grant the intrinsically safety of the transmitter, the battery must be replaced only by another one supplied by Start Italiana.
XMT-SI-TTL transmits data using a TTL interface for OEM applications. The associated instrument must be certified in case it is necessary to install the product in a certified zone.
XMT-SI-485-LOG transmits data on a 485 bus. It is configured for functioning in polling mode. Normally it is powered externally using a communication bus. If the external power is disconnected, automatically a battery placed inside allows to keep the probe working and stores the level changes in a non-volatile memory for subsequent download of the data possible on recovery of the main supply.
Technical characteristics #
RS 485 serial door for multipoint connection:
- Power supply 12 VDC through an intrinsically safe barrier
- Consumption <15 mA @ 12 Vdc normal functioning
- Consumption < 200 uA @12 Vdc in sleep mode functioning
- Connection cable: hydrocarbons resistant, suitable for underground pose with insulation 0,6-1KV, 2 shielded and twisted pairs, section of the power cable pair of at least 1mm2
- Type of cable supplied by Start Italiana: LiYstCYY INSULATION LEVEL 4 (0,6/1KV) - (2x0.25mm?) + 2x1.00mm? CEI 20-22II IEC 60332-3A ENI 00.181.00
- Maximum transmission distance: up to 2 Km based on standard of RS485 interface.
RF interface:
- Internal power supply through an instrinsically safe battery 3.6V, 16Ah
- Low frequency transmission to a receiver located in a safety zone
- Consumption <15 mA @ 12 Vdc normal functioning
- Consumption < 200 uA @12 Vdc in sleep mode functioning
TTL Interface for OEM applications:
- Power supply 5Vmax, 100mA max from certified external device
- Serial transmission TTL levels
- Maximum distance:3 mt, compatible with TTL signals
RS485-LOG serial door for multipoint connection with internal battery for storage of data in case of missing external power supply or polling:
- Power supply 12 VDC through an intrinsically safe barrier
- Consumption <15 mA @ 12 Vdc normal functioning
- Consumption < 200 uA @12 Vdc in sleep mode functioning
- Internal power supply through an instrinsically safe battery 3.6V, 16Ah
- Connection cable: hydrocarbons resistant, suitable for underground pose with insulation 0,6-1KV, 2 shielded and twisted pairs, section of the power cable pair of at least 1mm2
- Type of cable supplied by Start Italiana: LiYstCYY INSULATION LEVEL 4 (0,6/1KV) - (2x0.25mm?) + 2x1.00mm? CEI 20-22II IEC 60332-3A ENI 00.181.00
- Maximum transmission distance: up to 2 Km based on standard of RS485 interface
For all the types the measurement characteristics are:
- Electronics based on a Microprocessor
- Support telediagnostics and telemaintenance
- Possibility to configure remotely the functional parameters
- In case of maintenance the internal part of the sensor (wave guide) can be removed without degas the tank, especially useful for LPG applications where the tanks are in pressure
- Tank connection:
- Not needed if probe is inserted into a riser with internal diameter 2”
- 2” sliding connection as standard
- Other type of optional connections under request (nippled fixed, flanged, …)
- Stainless steel case, IP68
- Probe shaft Stainless Steel AISI 304 / 316
- Measurement range: from 200 mm. to 12.500 mm
- Maximum mechanical length: 13.000 mm
- Data transmitted:
- Product level in 0.01 mm
- Water level in 0.01 mm
- Medium temperature detected through digital temperature sensor placed along the probe shaft (max 5)
- Measurement accuracy: ± 0,5 mm
- Measurement resolution: ± 0,05 mm
- Temperature accuracy: ± 0,2°C
- Certifications:
- CEC 09 ATEX 131 rev2 : II 1G Ex ia IIB T4 II 1D Ex tD A20 T135°C
- CEC 09 ATEX 131 rev3 : II 1G Ex ia IIB T4 Ga II 1D Ex t IIIC T135°C Da IP66/68
- Approvals:
- OIML-R85 for fixed applications
- OIML-R80 per mobile applications
Connection scheme #
Start Italiana probes can be connected either directly to a PC through an interface converter RS-485/RS-232 and an intrinsically safe power supply unit (in case if used in explosive zones), or through a PTS controller for fuel dispensers and ATG systems for petrol stations. Using a PTS controller additionally allows simulataneous control over a large variety of fuel and LPG dispensers used at petrol stations and storage depots.